在讀書會導讀中,很少人注意到我介紹的「賈伯斯管理學」--現實扭曲力場(reality distortion field),我用「賈伯斯(你們是)笨蛋管理學」稱之,它是一種超強的自我主觀意識,而用(個人的)主觀意志扭轉任何(集體認為)不可能的事。「賈伯斯傳」的第11,12章介紹得很清楚。
It’s often been said that there was a sort of “reality distortion field” around Steve Jobs. It was a part joking, part derogatory, part admiring term applied to Jobs’ talent for persuasion in which, through a combination of personal charisma, bravado, hyperbole, marketing, and persistence, Jobs was able to persuade almost anyone, even developers and engineers, of almost anything. In particular, it referred to his ability to convince so many people that each new Apple product was the greatest thing ever, even when that product had obvious flaws. Unfortunately, as more news comes out about how Steve Jobs initially dealt with his diagnosis of a neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas (specifically, an insulinoma) back in 2003 and 2004, it’s become apparent that Jobs had his own medical reality distortion field, at least in the beginning right after his diagnosis of a rare form of pancreatic cancer, that allowed him to come to think that he might be able to reverse his cancer with diet plus various “alternative” modalities.