





多數學者探究商業社會的自然力量常導向政府管制(Regulation)力量或市場力量(Market power),但是,這兩種力量都非常不自然



總之,過去很少學者探尋到真正能管理商業社會的自然力量,直到2000年哈佛大學商學院Carliss Y. Baldwin教授與布萊翰揚大學Kim B. Clark教授提出模組化力量(The power of modularity),商業社會各種層層堆疊的相互影響、相互依賴關係,才有比較好的梳理。

Baldwin & Clark(2000)梳理的模組結構,不僅能解說(個體)組織蛻變的行為與過程,也能解釋(總體)產業的成長、變化現象。下篇模組化力量(下)將深入介紹Baldwin & Clark(2000)的模組化力量


Carliss Y. Baldwin教授


模組化能解決商業活動中最麻煩的溝通協調:(1)它讓生態系統不受個別瓶頸限制,(2)它讓每個成員能自主運作,(3)它讓系統能不斷滋長、演化。Jacobides, et. al.稱模組化是生態系統的理論前引(Theoretical primer),它建構了互補(complementarity)關係,再由形形色色的互補編織出(underpin)生態系統

模組是實務常用的名詞,零組件或部件(component)就是一種模組,Jacobides, et. al.文章對此有很好的描述,我將它摘錄如下,我在While new coordination issues always arise當有新的協調問題產生)這段字畫上籃色底線,這段文句指出生態系統個別成員會透過engagement(從事), standards(標準), and codified interfaces(編碼介面)的規則來溝通、調整,建立秩序。

Technological modularity allows interdependent components of a system to be produced by different producers, with limited coordination required. While the overarching architecture design parameters may be set by a hub, organizations have a large degree of autonomy in how they design, price, and operate their respective modules, as long as they interconnect with others in agreed and predefined ways. While new coordination issues always arise, ecosystems provide processes and rules on how to resolve them, and encourage alignment through rules of engagement, standards, and codified interfaces. The presence of modularity is also the condition that allows a hub to forego at least some degree of explicit coordination. Thus, modularity (though not necessarily open interoperability) creates the conditions for an ecosystem to emerge.

如果能讀懂上述Jacobides, et. al.對模組化原文描述,你就算非常、非常深入了解生態系統了!!

模組系統設計很重要的元素(一般人都懂的),Jacobides et. al.(2018)論文在解說模組是生態系統的建構與運作要素,內容(上一段原文文字)卻不是一般人看得懂的。為此,我特地將Jacobides et. al.(2018)論文中用模組化互補性建構的生態系統理論,畫出下圖:(互補性請參閱互補經濟學一文)



第三節Towards a theory of business ecosystem談生態系統理論的元素與架構,該節分以下四個小節:

3.1 Theoretical primers: Modularity and coordination in ecosystems
3.2 Types of complementarity: Understanding what underpins ecosystems
3.3 Ecosystems as the result of a (partly designed) process
3.4 Characteristics of ecosystems

互補經濟學一文跳過3.1模組化理論前引(Theoretical primer),直接介紹3.2互補性(Types of complementarity: Understanding what underpins ecosystems)。模組與互補兩者關係有非常密切,(如上圖)模組提供生態系統最低成本的運作的架構互補則是建構生態系統個別成員的價值關係



  1. **While the overarching architecture design parameters may be set by a hub, organizations have a large degree of autonomy in how they design, price, and operate their respective modules, as long as they interconnect with others in agreed and predefined ways.軸心(hub)會設計好生態系統基盤的參數,若需要與其他成員互動,彼此很容易溝通,每一成員都擁有很大程度的自主,能自行決定(產品)設計、訂價、模組營運。
  2. **While new coordination issues always arise, ecosystems provide processes and rules on how to resolve them, and encourage alignment through rules of engagement, standards, and codified interfaces.當有新的協調問題產生,生態系統會提供協調所需的流程與規則,鼓勵成員透過engagement(從事), standards(標準), and codified interfaces(編碼介面)的規則來調整(alignment),建立秩序。
  3. **The presence of modularity is also the condition that allows a hub to forego at least some degree of explicit coordination.模組會設定讓軸心超前行動(forego)的條件,不會亂了(產業)秩序。

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